We all want to rank on Google. That’s a given. Whether you’re a small local business looking to rank for modest keywords or a massive multinational corporation fighting for the most competitive terms out there, it’s all about getting to the top of page 1.

Some are tempted to go blackhat by paying a dodgy SEO expert who promises overnight rankings. If you’re not already swayed by the ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’ argument – then the following points should convince you that black hat SEO should be avoided at all costs.

Black Hat SEO Doesn’t Work (Most of the Time)

We’ll be the first to admit that black hat SEO tactics that are used by the cleverest techies are something to be admired. Shooting to the top of page 1 in a matter of days or weeks can be achieved. ‘So what’s the problem?’ we already hear you ask.

Well, the dirty little secret is that 99% of these so-called ‘experts’ are nothing but snake oil merchants that don’t quite know what they’re doing. Purporting to use the latest techniques, they actually often rely on spamming your site to oblivion.

Or It Won’t Last

Even if you happen to come across someone who knows what they’re doing, you’re always just a penalty away from disappearing from Google completely. The worst-case scenario, namely de-indexing, means you have to start over from scratch. Yes, you understood that correctly: registering a brand new domain, re-writing your web content, and pretty much going back to square one.

While black-hatters profit from ranking keywords that are lucrative even if the site is only on page 1 for a couple of hours, you’re likely not operating on that level. And even if you do get a couple of additional customers, is it really worth having to ditch your business website due to a Google penalty?

Too Many Snake-Oil Salesmen

The problem with these black hat SEO tactics is that there’s a huge difference between what’s ‘just’ risky and what’s a downright guaranteed slap from the Big G. How is a run-of-the-mill business owner meant to know the difference? Answer: it’s very difficult, if not impossible.

That’s why it’s preferable going for a proven agency with a track record using tactics that are safe. They may require a little bit more effort and up-front investment, but you’ll get a good return over time. You also won’t see your site disappear from Google.

It’s All About the Long Game

When it comes to SEO, ranking from one day to the next is something you shouldn’t aim for. After all, you want to stick around for the long haul, don’t you? Playing the long game is ultimately far more rewarding and even though you may need to wait a little longer, you’re also likely to stick around on the search results.

That’s why we recommend opting for traditional content marketing strategies mixed in with a little bit of our creativity. With just a tad of out of the box thinking you can go a long way, without having to go over to the dark side of SEO.